RussianFlirting review that proves its interesting concept of a social media
RussianFlirting dating site is a social media for western men and Russian women who can find each other for relationships, marriage and also just for spending time for chatting together
RussianFlirting com is an interesting way to find love for Western men and Russian girls
Why are there so many sites where Western men are given the opportunity to meet Slavic girls? Everything is very simple. The fact is that the standards of relations in the USA, Canada, Western Europe have seriously shifted to a new plane in recent decades. Feminism, freedom and equality rule there. Not that it’s bad (it’s even good), but not all men like the woman’s focus on career and equal roles in the family. And yet, for example, we are talking about reluctance to have children or something like that. In the West there are many men who dream of starting a traditional family, where a woman will have all the freedoms and respect, but will prefer to focus on her own traditional role. And Slavic girls are very interested in dating good men from Western countries.
This is not just the prospect of moving to a prosperous country, but also creating worthy relationships for them. The specificity of their realities is that traditional values are preserved in the post-USSR, and girls from there take the traditional family for granted. And they accept it with honor and dignity. And a man in this situation can be a defender and focus on providing the family 100%. In addition, Russians, Ukrainians and Belarus are reputed to be the most attractive girls of the whole planet. Too many men in all corners of the world like their character.
Suppose a man from the West and a girl from an East Slavic country want to find each other. What do they need to do for this? Online offers many specialized dating sites just for this format. Many of them may turn out to be fakes and provide an uncomfortable user experience. One of the popular sites in this category can be found at RussianFlirting.com. What is this site and does it deserve the attention of users? Let's understand all aspects and draw conclusions.
First steps
Let’s go to the main page of the site. The site greets the user with an animated background, which significantly distracts attention. It’s enough to get used to what is happening, and you can proceed to study the available functions.
The site has a very minimalistic structure. The main page contains a user registration window. It is enough to indicate the primary data in the initial window, and the site will redirect the person to the registration page (also the main page contains buttons for quick authorization of the user using accounts on popular social networks, including Facebook, Twitter and Vkontakte).
In general, the design is simple, pleasant and intuitive, no frills (except for the background of the first screen). The user must indicate the nickname, name, email address or telephone number, date of birth, gender, subject of searches, search range, goals, country, region of residence, city and password. Next, the site will offer to add your photo to the site, for the profile picture avatar and catalog. At the final stage, you need to tell more about yourself, as well as indicate a number of parameters, including haratkeristik appearances, religious beliefs, ethnicity, education, current family status and so on. There are quite a few questions, and this will help users more accurately find each other according to detailed preferences. In conclusion, you need to fill out a hobby table, which describes the attitude to typical hobbies and options for spending time together. Note that the profile is qualitatively different from most analog sites. It is easy to fill out, and the information is very comprehensive.
Oh yes, and wishes regarding the characteristics of the partner will also need to be indicated. The questionnaire takes a lot of time, but it's worth it. And this is one of the important advantages of the site, which is noted in the reviews.
It is interesting to note that the site offers equal opportunities for finding partners for men and women. Typically, these sites focus on men who can browse the catalogs of girls. Here the catalog of men and women is common, and the girls have equal opportunities.
Users have the opportunity to view the catalog of profiles freely and without registration. The catalog is presented on the main page for review.
However, for communication and dating, the user needs paid features. Credit payment system. The user buys credits to pay for services within the site. Each service costs a certain number of credits. Credits are sold in packages, and the more credits in a package, the cheaper the cost of 1 credit for a user. This means that for a long stay on the site it is better to buy large packages.
What can a user do on a site after registration?
He can find user profiles from the general directory. However, this is not very convenient, and most likely you will need a search. Having opened the profile, you like, you can send a kiss or a gift to attract attention, or write a message. Also, the user has access to black sheets and favorites lists for easy contact management.
It’s better to search for users using search. Available quick and advanced search. They differ in the number of settings available. Also, the user can quickly view lists of the most popular people on the site, or go to the video gallery. This is another paid service that provides an opportunity for girls (also, for men) to record a video about themselves. This helps with the choice of a partner for communication (and love) in the future.
The user’s profile also contains a whole section of lists (favorites, those who sent me a kiss, and so on), and a profile settings section where you can edit all the information described above during the registration process. The website footer provides terms of use, FAQ, links to the official pages of the project on social networks.
Security issues
RussianFlirting is not a closed dating site for Russian girls with foreigners, strictly focused on creating a couple and family. It is rather a social network for informal communication and something more in the long run. Anyone can register here without restriction, and this creates the risk of being deceived by someone. Therefore, it is better for users to be attentive to the activities on the site. Most negative reviews arise precisely for this reason.
Russianflirting is a public site. Anyone visiting him can see your profile. If you need complete anonymity, this is not the best place for it.
Each user can usually add a series of photos to the profile. However, all the persons can see personal data. Some sites like this provides a special button that allows user to redirect others to another site in a click. This option is not presented on Russianflirting. All info at russianflirting.com can be with SSL-connection, which makes it totally impossible to intercept your messages by third parties.
Mobile version and app
This website has a fully functional web design and can be used on any computer, laptop or smartphone. The mobile app is not yet available.
This is an interesting site in the format of a social network for dating and communication of Western men with Russian girls in any format. It has limited safety from scam due to the concept, but makes it possible for people to have a great time. Especially valuable is a very accurate and convenient system for identifying user profiles, which allows you to do a very accurate search.