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POF Dating website

If you are looking for a reliable dating website with cool features for communication, variety of pretty girls and even free assistance of professionals in the love search you can stop and choose POF. Plenty of Fish is an awesome place where you can chat with the best  women and it’s rate is four, out of five and lots of users evaluated it as the best resource, which they have ever tried. So, here in this review you will find the most important information about this platform. Please, don’t skip any part of it if you want to sign up on this platform and you will get there all the needed info and even few recommendations to the new members.

Review and Our Thoughts

Plenty of Fish is a platform that was primarily launched in Canada in 2003, but rather quickly it gained a reputation and popularity among users of various countries world widely. Now it is even hard to find out users which have never heard or used POF app or don’t have an experience with POF dating. The number of users is constantly growing and increasing since the first launch and it occurs because of several evident reasons.

Despite, a huge general myth that all the free dating platforms are full of scammers and fraud is a usual thing; POF has shown that a free resource can be rather safe place and the support team works the same as in a paid resources. You may ask: how is then this site develops and grow its profit? The answer is as simple as that: it happens because this platform gains money via quality ads and paid VIP memberships that are available for all the users.

This site has rather long history of functioning and of course, there are some people that left their comments and the number of haters is also visible due to their online activity. Anyone can leave the comment even when he/she only once used POF dating site. That’s why, it is better to pay attention to real stories of the users than just words: it is the worst place. No explanation and you can consider such comments as usual online aggression with no reason.

Of course, every point of view is rather subjective thing and you may agree or disagree with it. However, our thought is that this website functions on the highest possible level. The quality of the profiles is also great and you can check it out yourself.

If after reviewing this general info about POFdating site, you are wondering about the registration process then let’s proceed to this topic.

POF Sign up

First of all, it is better to mention that POF sign in is totally free of charge and you don’t need wasting money on unknown resource before checking it out. You will literally need several minutes to create your account.

The best thing is that you won’t be requested to add any link of your social media account during POF sign in. Don’t you agree that it makes your private online life more secure? Your social media friends won’t pop up out of nowhere while you are scrolling a webpage.

Also, you will see some personal tests during the registration, but you have an opportunity to skip them and return later or never return to them again. Everything is up to you and your personal choice.

How to contact somebody on POF dating platform?

You can send and review messages whenever you want and the number of messages is unlimited even for a free member. So, don’t afraid and chat with any user you would like.

The cool feature that is also available on the website is voice mail. You may record your message and send it to your beloved person. However, for using this function, you’d better chat a little bit in a standard texting way. It is just a personal recommendation, because some members are shy at first and aren’t ready for such type of communication.

While communicating online don’t forget about some restrictions. It is impossible to copy paste messages, this was done to minimize POF scams. So, if someone wants to send a link or something else, it makes harder for a scammer to do this. Moreover, don’t forget that nudity is forbidden and your pornographic photos will be definitely blocked as well as offensive messages.

Real impressions of profile quality before POF chatting

To begin with, the number of added photos is limited to 8 in free accounts and 16 in paid once. However, it is good that a free member can even upload a photo and doesn’t pay anything for this feature. While you are signing up on POF you should better fill in some general information about yourself and the desirable partner. In such a way, you will be automatically advised flirty or long-term relations with the type of a partner you are POF searching. So, everything will be done almost automatically and you have no need to POF search for a long list of criteria that you have in your mind.

Personally, I think that the coolest feature is that all the filters are banned and you won’t see unrealistic pictures of the users on this platform.

Also, you can make you profile hidden from others, in such a case only you control the members you are chatting with on the dating website.


The availability of POF app version gives totally another impression of the website. Frankly speaking, lots of online dating platforms don’t have such an option and users should still use a usual website access. This app has just made life simpler and more convenient for so many members, you cannot even imagine.

Judging on the statistics most of the users prefer POF app and it is evident, because nowadays we rarely even switch on our laptops because phone is with us all the time.

The only difficulty that was noticed in this app version is that a user cannot delete POF account from the Smartphone. Nevertheless, if you made up your mind to leave this platform, you can easily and quickly delete POF account from a desktop version of the site.

Real comments about this platform

“I register my account on POF just for fun without any serious plans for finding my love or what’s so ever. Just a gloomy winter evening pushed me to POF account logon and I enjoyed this resource tremendously. I had lots of online friends there and just spend lots of my time chatting. When one day, I met Jane … she was a perfect tender lady and I fall in love with her. It was like romantic online story with lots of hesitations prior real meeting. Not to bore you will all the little details, I would just mention that everything happened so perfectly, I couldn’t even imagined that I will marry a girl who I met online…”

Prices on this dating platform

Every member that POF login and register an account has a full range of usable options which are available for free. This includes lots of things such as registration, view users’ profiles, POF chat and lots of others.

However, if you want to have more exclusive attitude to you as a client, you’d better purchase a paid membership. The cost of this option is rather average when comparing with lots of other dating platforms. The longer is your membership the less you will pay per month. For instance, 2 months’ membership will cost you 19.35 USD per month of usage while 8 months’ paid account will cost you only 10.18 per month.

Is POF more expensive than other dating sites?

Of course, you may compare POF reviews and prices with lots of other dating platforms, but what for. It is totally impossible to compare all the available variants with this one. This dating resource is so unique and POF inbox won’t be the same as on other sites.

When speaking about the price, it may be considered the average one, because you can find as expensive platforms as 50 USD per month and as cheap as – 15. The quality of the resources and the availability of functions will also vary.

Unique features for POF users

As POF is so long in this industry of online dating of course it has some special features for the site members. Here we will discuss only the major once, because there are so many of them.

UltaMatch – is a function that will quickly show you all the POF name search candidates that are right for you according to your mentioned criteria and needs. Just choose this option and you will get your ideal partner in one click.

Chemistry Predictor – to begin using this feature you should at first pass some test yourself. After this easy and fun procedure, you will get an access to this function and can quickly find your ideal candidate that will suit you perfectly.

Nearby- shows the closest candidates to you. All you need to do is press this function and you will see the list of POF usernames’ search the higher he/she is the close this person is to you. This data is very accurate because, your real location is taken into consideration.

Short conclusion of the POF’s review

Generally, there process of POF login is rather simple and you have no need to waste your money. This site has a solid reputation of POF scams’ free place where you can feel yourself comfortable and safe enough while being in the surrounding of lots of Fish) The only part that can be a little bit disappointing is that the number of chatting features is limited and you won’t get so many functions as on other resources.

So, only try this website and you will understand why it is so popular for so many years. This place is worth your time!

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