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The quickest way to find your love is online acquaintance.

Hit Me Up!

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Relationship Expert's experience

Amelia Bright,

CEO of Love Is For Everyone

If you are searching for a reliable platform with only checked info about dating sites then HMU is right for you. This users’ friendly platform has huge number of cool features for communication. Among the most awesome options, there are boosting your profile, sharing your interests, and of course meeting local users. Moreover, the number of registered members is immense, that’s why it is much easier to find meaningful feedback… So HMU means quality and easiness of usage. As an expert in the field of dating I can definitely assure every new client that HMU is functioning.

Online dating industryCharacteristicFacts & Recommendations

Online dating industry is such a used service nowadays. So many people register their accounts, find new friend, partners, get marriage and everything due to the dating platforms.

Sometimes it is almost impossible to imagine how people met each other and searched for their love without online chatting. First dating platform that became really successful has launched on 1995 and it is still popular and functional.

It is possible to characterize this industry as a galaxy of words, people, photos, video and way more that unites different people with different life priorities. Of course, there exists skeptics that don’t believe into the possibility of finding true love online or at least nice relations.

They have the possibility to share this point of view with others and promote the negativity on this topic. However, the percentage of such people are minimal and they mostly have relations and don’t search for any help.

In this review, you will get the needed facts about this dating industry and some recommendations for new users. For instance, those that relate to online communication with unknown people. So many users have been googling the questions: what does hmu stands for or what does hmu mean on snapchat and other questions relating to the topic of online acquaintance. So, let’s deep into the explanation of this dating topic and new hmu slang words that appeared only due to online communication.

The quickest way to find your love is online acquaintance

To begin with, online dating ukraine service is so popular nowadays because it is the quickest possible way to find your love. Just by signing up on any kind of a resource and starting to interact with the girls you save so much time.

You don’t need to go out any more, waste time on approaching unknown people and trying to somehow get acquainted with them. Several clicks on your laptop, a short message: hmu? and your interaction has started. Maybe this girl has that received your message will be your vietnamese wife in a year or so. This fact is just awesome.

What does hmu mean in texting?

HMU Text Meaning

Purpose Of HMU acronym

One more usage


As you’ve understood the first benefit of the online dating is evident – it is quick and really simple. Now, let’s discuss a little bit hmu text meaning. This hmu acronym was mentioned in this article several times already and if you haven’t heard it before, you’ll probably want to understand: what does hmu mean? Hmu stands for the phase “Hit Me Up”. When it is used in texts or messages, this is like the synonym to the following words: contact me, phone me or text me. So, everything that relates to any kind of contact is in one simple word.

It is a slang word so you should not use it during the professional or business communication with others. It is just a convenient method to invite a user for a further chatting with you and it usually used in messages, online chats, mails (but only informal) or texts.

When people ask: what does hmu mean? It is normal, because any language is process of constant changes and innovations. We build our language, behavior, expressions and culture ourselves. That’s why, if there is something that you don’t know it is okay, just try to find out the meaning of this word. Such unique and new expressions hmu abbreviation make our written speech more colorful and interesting. This experience of the new word formation and it is fantastic how several people can change the language simple by spreading a popular word.

One more usage of this phase stands for “Hold My Unicorn”, though it hasn’t become so popular as the previously mentioned meaning. Hope that this explanation of hmu meaning was distinct. Now a few words about the history of this acronym. The year of its first usage isn’t precise, but it is aware that first meaning was connected with a request for something. Then later in 2009, it reached the original meaning of “communicate with me”. When speaking about, “Hold My Unicorn” variant of hmu definition, it was noticed in Urban Dictionary in 2010.

As for the spelling of the acronym, you may use both lowercase and uppercase letters for communication. Nevertheless, try to avoid typing the whole sentence in uppercase because it will be interpreted as you are shouting. For the online acquaintance, it isn’t preferable to express such strong emotions during the initial stage of relations.

Dating sites are affordable

There is a myth that all these numerous dating platforms just want to gain their profit by high rates for usual messages and their administration don’t bother about the client’s convenience and comfort.

However, such point of view is in a minimal percentage of those who are totally against online acquaintance and have never used these resources.

Thousands of charming women from various countries are waiting for you online!

The best thing about these online dating platforms is that the variability of ladies is enormous. Only in the USA over 50 million people have used these services. Can you imagine the worldwide number of users? It is huge. Now you can communicate with girl from Russia or China and don’t bother about distance. One thing that may disturb you may be the time difference.

If you are a new member and haven’t tried dating platforms before you should try to narrow your search at first.

Online acquaintance is way less stressful

Imagine that you are approaching unknown lady in a shop and her reaction isn’t the best. People are staring at you and thinking about your act. Maybe they don’t even pay attention, but in your mind there is already shameful situation with bad outcomes for you. Such a picture is rather stressful even if you think about it.

Since the launching of the first dating site, people stopped their awkward tries of offline contacts.

Words About Us

Maybe, you have read these scary stories about online dating scammers and reviewed horrible news about online frauds. Yes, such cases may happen, but if it occurred every day mass media will share these news. Online chatting cannot be 100 percent secure, but it is much safer than contacting a stranger in a bar. People are so unpredictable and no one will guarantee you ideal relation will your closest friend as well as will unknown person whom you met online.

Risk always exists and you should control yourself while communication with a stranger. The thing that can be guaranteed is that these harmful relations won’t influence you if you don’t take any actions. Simply, don’t help financially other users, don’t click strange links and don’t share your private info. Just by following these simple recommendations, you will never have troubles with online dating services.

Except of your steps for precaution, site’s administration also guarantees you safety. First of all, these experts check all the users prior registration. Of course, it relates to reliable paid russian dating sites, free resources cannot guarantee you this. Furthermore, sites offer 24/7 support for the members, they answer all the requests as quickly as possible. After your request, they may delete faked accounts, block abusive comments or illegal content. Feel free to contact the experts whenever you noticed any suspicious activity on the site.

You should remember one thing, if you start chatting with a user outside the dating platform then these guarantees of security and reliability no longer work. Site’s administration cannot control communication on other platforms and apps, it is impossible for evident reasons. If you made up your mind to chat somewhere else, it is totally your responsibility and you should control the whole process yourself.

Dating sites are not ideal places when in a minute you will find the love of your life. You should spend some time and have real desire to build serious relations and pass life difficulties together with your partner. Only in such a way, you will find your love. Statistics shows that almost 60 percent of the registered members on the dating sites at least once had a real date with the online lady. 30 percent of users have married due to such services or started relations. And other 10 percent have stopped at the stage of communication, found good friends or delete their accounts from the site.

The percentage of married couples is huge, that shows the real functionality and necessity of this industry in general. Successful love stories and user’s feedback is shared online and you can review their testimonials right now.

The statistical figures can be relative, because there is a percentage of people who decided not to share their family happiness or those that met each other, but organize a date themselves and don’t notify site’s administration.

There may be some cases when a person you are chatting with is almost ideal, so smart and cheerful. Nevertheless, when you meet this person in reality you may find so many drawbacks that you may now even think of. For instance, not every user mention their bad habits in the profile and try to skip such topics in the private conversation. So, you can meet such a beautiful woman but a smoker and you are totally against this habit.

In such a case, there is one great recommendation for all the users. Make a list of things that you won’t stand in your ideal candidate and try to discuss these topics before the real meeting. It doesn’t mean that you should send unknown user a questioner before the chatting. Try to be patient and find the right time for your question.

When following this recommendation, you will definitely find your ideal candidate online and won’t be disappointed during the real meeting. Sometimes it can be a real trouble if you fly to another country and cannot stand a person with whom you were communicating for so long and your online relations was almost ideal.

With online services, you can make a long list of your criteria and you save your time and efforts for useless communication with unknown people. Just, mention several desires such as: tall, dark-eyed woman that is passionate about gaming and stick to these criteria. Maybe, not so quickly but in a week or so you will find your ideal candidate.

Don’t be too picky in your search process and try to find the balance between desirable character-traits and undesirable bad habits.

Usually people register on the dating platforms for finding meaningful relations, future wife and build family with the right person. In such a situation, it may become a real difficulty just to relax and don’t bother about every message.

In this rather stressful and responsible situation, someone may neglect the excitement of usual sincere chats. Online dating services create such fun and comfortable atmosphere for communication. A huge number of cool features help immensely so don’t forget about a usual pleasure while chatting with a charming girl.

The variability of people on the dating sites are really huge. Just the understanding, that you can get a wonderful experience of communication with rather variable group of girls, should promote wonderful emotional state. Please, don’t treat the chats as a choir, it is more like a pleasurable chance.

If it is still hard for you to abstract from the serious attitude, just recollect your emotions when you surf Facebook or Instagram in a calm mood. It is absolutely the same.

Earlier in this article, we were discussing slang words: hmu means and what does hmu stand for? You may compare exciting slang reaction with you experience of relationship building with a pretty woman.

When you take initiative in online acquaintance and get positive reaction from pretty girls, your self-rating grows tremendously. Especially if you didn’t have such an experience in real life. So, lots of shy people who start online communication and get used to it as a norm, they definitely become more confident in relations.

As you see, online dating not only give you the experience of real relations and family planning, but in some cases, it may also change your personality and attitude towards life. This is not a quick process and no one can guarantee you that one day you will be totally another person due to dating platform. However, it works and you may try it yourself.

Any experience is very individual thing and other users’ stories may not reflect your reality and outcomes. Every person and relations are so unique that you should better think about your preferences than totally relay on the other clients’ experience. Try online dating and only then, you will understand if it is suitable for you.

Speaking about the understanding of another sex, just ask whenever you want to explore and most of the girls will gladly share their background with you. Women appreciate when men are deeply interested in their personality, motives and emotional sphere. Discover this part of ladies’ life with the help of online services and you will understand the motivation of most women.

Any relation except of money waste also needs a time spending. There can be situations when a person spends all his/her time on useless planning with a wrong person. People are sometimes fanatical in their search for love and when they find it, they try to make everything ideal, plan perfect dates, the best romantic kiss and more.

With online dating, you don’t have such a need. Just hour a day for communication can be more than enough. The thing that influence relation more than anything is the stability. Don’t forget to answer your mail once a day and a girl will appreciate it. Please, don’t disappear for a long time period without any explanation. A short notification in the profile is just okay for the support of your friendly relations with other users.

All the sites are available 24/7 and even in the middle of the night, you can try to find someone to chat with and share your inner feelings and desires. If you feel lonely and misunderstood you may try to find online support from people who faced the same troubles as you.

Maybe you are sitting and waiting for a miracle. Don’t do this, you may start changing your life right now just by the registration on a popular and reliable service. You may start chatting with the love of your life. So, why are you still waiting for something?

We have so many boundaries and restrictions in our everyday life and sometime it becomes unbearable to hide it any longer. You cannot share your thoughts with colleagues, because they may not understand you and spread gossips. Neighbors, friends and even family members are not always the best advisers.

In such a situation, online users whom you have never seen can help you more than anybody else. On most of the dating resources, the atmosphere is fantastic, users are active and ready to answer any message.

There is no need to hide your desires, you may express yourself as you wish. Post any photos, mention your inner dreams and you can find people who may have the same ideals and life priorities.

Several golden rules to find your ideal candidate

Despite the fact, that dating platforms have so many benefits and it is so easy to start. Every person should try to follow several recommendations in order to speed up your process of love search. Here in this paragraph you will get several useful pieces of advices, which are the following:

Spend some time for planning your life and it should be made in a written form. The most serious your attitude will be to this plan to more result you will get in return. Be very specific in what you want from live. For instance, except of mentioning I want kids, you’d better specify how many kids do you want, what will be the age difference between them and discuss this topic with your partner or online girlfriend. If a lady says she childfree, you’d better search for another woman.
Too funny users create the impression of seriousness especially in women’s eyes. Online platforms promote serious family values and meaningful relations and if a guy treats everything in another way more like a fun story it won’t bring any good.
Except of just writing a list of desires, it is more effective to prioritize them with numbers from the most important to the least and stick to them. Try to categorize everything using your previous experience, maybe your parents or friends experience. After rethinking and prioritizing your goals will be clear and achievable.
In case a user mention something negative, not all people know how to react on this correctly. Positivity on the contrary draws more attention and influences the general conversational mood.
With understandable criteria, this process can be really quick and pleasurable. It is like shopping, you chose only the product you like and the outcome will be great. Nevertheless, when you have a specific budget, your choice is limited. With finding your love, you shouldn’t have any limitations.
Don’t hesitate to share your likes and dislikes even if a date doesn’t support you. She should understand that you can insist on your point of view and it is okay. Secrets won’t have a positive impact into your future relations with any partner.
Don’t write along review, your profile should be laconic in context and include only general facts. There is no need to fill in too many personal details. Intrigue with your info and photos and girls will contact you. A little bit of curiosity will never spoil the result.
Sometimes ladies don’t like to hear about your ex-girlfriends and this sincerity may work against your relations. If a girl want to know about your background, she will ask you. Otherwise, you shouldn’t be extremely open at the initial stage of acquaintance.
The most crucial recommendation is to find the best dating platform. It should be reliable with good reputation, reasonable pricing and the type of Ukrainian women that you prefer. The number of such sites is huge and you will spend some time for reading reviews and comment. But in return you will get save place with real users and good perspective to find your love.

Something about slangs and abbreviations in the dating chats

Language and methods of internet expressions are rather important. Try not to neglect some kind words and it is understandable. However, slang became inseparable part of communication in general and online chats in particular. Previously in this articles the topic of: hmu meaning, what does hmu mean in text and hmu meaning snapchat has already been mentioned and if you skipped this part, you may return to return to the topic. Now, lets review other helpful abbreviations and acronyms which are not always understandable for the ordinary user. If you regularly use social networking site, you’ve probably noticed the variability of acronyms.

Summing up

Judging from all of the mentioned above online dating services can assist everybody is building the foundation for happy family relations. This industry is so professional and beneficial for the most clients. That every person will find something useful in these sites or at Ukraine brides agencies. One will find a close online friendship, mexican wife, girlfriend while other will search for support and understanding. Some users can change their character-trades due to the new unpredictable experience.

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