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Belarus women are the most charming ladies. Want to know more?

Amelia Bright,

CEO of Love Is For Everyone

“I am rather experienced psychologist and have helped lots of people around the globe. When speaking about Belarus girls, there are really family oriented and sometimes even in the exaggerated way. They want serious relation from the very beginning and sometimes it looks so curious for me as a professional. Generally, they are honest, caring, and very confident. So, don’t expect to see a pretty girl with no plan for the next couple of years of her life and you’d better support this plan…”

Today in our online world it is possible to communicate with anybody from any country. These are no boarder in the Internet. That’s why it becames much easier to find your love from such far away countries as Russia and Belarus. Lots of countries have opened from new perspective to thousands of users around the world. Here in this article, you will get the major understanding of Belarusian girls’ mentality and how to communicate with them and build serious relation.

Few facts about women of Belarus

The first fact is Minsk girls are really attractive. User from any country would like to find Belarus wife because of her physical attractiveness. This is a country of blue-eyed ladies in the most elegant outfits. Why such beauties could not find partner in their country? This occurs for one reason, men are just too spoiled, because they see these beauties every day, they couldn’t realize how charming they are in comparison with women from other countries.

The next fact is that Belarussian women are really smart. The first thing that you see when you meet Belarusian girl is that she is really pretty; you pay attention only to her elegant manners. In several minutes, after few greetings and smiles, you should be prepared to the fact that this beauty may start talking about latest IT news, economics, technology, or some science innovations. The percentage of those who haven’t got university degree is minimal, most of Belarusian brides have at least Bachelor’s degree. Some girls have top positions and are rather well-paid specialists.

One more, cool thing about Belarus brides is they are multitasking. Maybe it is something in the females’ nature but they are capable of doing everything at the same time and they are so flexible according to these tasks. Belarusian women  can do lots of things at the same time.

They can be responsive mothers, caring wives, high-paid specialists, and even do something about the house. It is a standard situation when a young mother is taking care of a child, cooking dinner, chatting with husband and at the same time talking on the phone with the best friend about the recent news. One more thing that is related to appearance characteristics is these women are usually tall. Belarus girls are officially mentioned as really high women with the average height of more than 166 centimeters. If you want to check the recent figures on this topic, you can easily find this information online.

The next characteristic of Belarus women is their family values. They are so caring moms and wives; it is almost like a part of their emotional characteristics. It occurs, because in Belarus tradition, girls are taught to respect a farther and help mother about the house who is always cooking, cleaning, and helping kids with homework. So, they see such a picture from early childhood and probably most of females would like to have such cool family relations as her parents have.

Moreover, family relations are extremely important for girls from Belarus. If a lady isn’t married till 30, her family members will constantly ask about this during any family celebration. Some parent even try to find a right partner for their daughter if she isn’t active enough till this age. Maybe a young generation has totally different attitude towards this and they get serious relations when they really need them, but parents stick to this old traditions. They can be even some minor quarrels on this topic between generations.


Are there any differences between Russian and Belarusian girls?

Sure, these two nationalities have lots of similar characteristics and something common in appearance. But still these are two countries with two different languages and some differences in culture and traditions. So, if speaking shortly, the answer will be – yes, these ladies are definitely different.

First thing that varies is confidence of Belarus brides. They are more independent from males and that’s why relations are building on the equality of both partners.

The following difference is more peaceful and kind character. Russian women are a little bit more emotional and express their emotions right away, while Belarus girls are more reserved and they will better wait to the right moment for communication than talk too emotionally.

The last rather popular characteristic of Belarus women for marriage is their politeness. The reputation of the whole nation is that each person is really polite sometimes even ridiculously. They are so friendly especially with new people and will bother about everything till they become a little bit more relaxed and feel comfortable with this person.

Where to find girl from Belarus?

Of course, the best possible recommendation will be to travel to this country and find your Belarusian woman. However, there will appear some evident boundaries for a foreigner. First of all, Belarus is rather distant country and you will need to spend lots of money for the flight. It mainly depends on where you are right now. Also, you will definitely have a language barrier with ladies in the streets. To be honest, most Belarus women won’t contact with natives while being out, so why should they communicate with unknown foreigners.

The next variant which may seem better is online acquaintance. Few years ago, there were available sites where Belarus wives have only a couple of profiles. Right now, the diversity of Belarus dating sites is so huge that you will need to spend some time to choose your resource.

The industry of online dating is so popular nowadays that you will get a good service just by signing up there. A communication with lots of pretty women from Belarus, cool features for chatting, video communication, psychological assistance if needed, organizations of trips to this country, assistance of interpreter and lots of other options are offered for any registered users on most of Belarus dating sites.

So, it is better to use services such as Belarus marriage agencies or usual dating sites. In such a way, you will get a complex assistance in this process of love search.

Several tips about Belarus dating

The first and the most important this for all guys who are planning to date women in Belarus is don’t expect intimacy too soon. These women are of strong family values and they search for that one partner with whom they will build serious family relations. Only if you are at the zone of serious relations with evident plans for future only then lady from Belarus will become more confident and ready for some sort of intimacy in relations. Please, don’t hurry up your girl, if she doesn’t feel confident enough. The best thing for such a situation is to communicate sincerely about everything.

Belarus wives are not big travelers; they usually haven’t got enough experience in this. That’s why everything that is connected with foreigners are rather interesting for them. If taking for instance Russian men and guy from another country, lady from Belarus will most likely choose a foreigner. Just because of curiosity and new experience that they can receive just via communication. Some women search for such relations for getting a chance to travel more.

Belarus brides may be shy during the first meeting; however it doesn’t mean they are naive. They just afraid to express real emotion while contacting unknown person. Even if you think that online chatting during almost a year is enough for moving to the next step of relations right at the first date, lady from Belarus will probably disagree with you. Sure, online communication will simplify the dating process, but don’t expect that a lady will fall in love with you at the first meeting.

One more helpful tip for dating these ladies is activeness. Yes, in the previous paragraph we were discussing the topic of shyness and all the other stuff. Nevertheless, such beauties are still expecting activeness from men. Don’t be too obsessive with your feelings and at the same time try to share what do you really think about your lady. This border is so invisible, so try to find it for your girl and your relations will be just fantastic.

That’s almost all as for general tips according to dating and communication with Belarus women. Of course, these are not all, but the major one which will help to approach and start building something meaningful relations.

Benefits of dating Belarus girls

  1. Their beauty is really incomparable with others. These constant stories about beauty of women from Belarus are real. So many guys from different countries around the globe mentioned that they were amazed by the prettiness. In case you need some real proves, just review some of the comments about dating Belarus girls. Most men mention the same and the same things once again – these ladies are so charming.

    The specialty of their appearance is in pretty face proportions and figure. Except of natural beauty these women also bothered about their make-up and outfits. So, the result of combination these two parts is just awesome and you can check it out simply by reviewing some photos.
  2. Belarusian women are so sincere. They are really very honest, ask a lady about something and she will answer honestly on anything. Even if she is uncomfortable, or don’t feel any mutual connection, the girl will still prefer honest answer than lie. If you are interested in something, you should ask without hesitations and you will get the most honest answer ever.
  3. Even when Belarusian woman is in relations, she still searches for friendly communication with her partner. Sure, intimacy is important, but mutual understanding is the top priority for girl from Belarus. If the  woman sees that these desirable friendly relations are real, then she will support her husband in every difficult situation and help him even if she doesn’t understand his point of view and decisions. It is more like a traditional character trait; any girl will support her partner in any situation even if there are some huge misunderstandings between each other.
  4. They are serious in any relations. It is extremely infrequent when a lady searching for short flirty dates without serious continuation. As we were already discussing this topic, according to their national traditions girls from Belarus should get married before 30. That’s why they just haven’t got time for useless relations without continuation. Every boyfriend is considered as a future husband and if during any stage of relation lady understands that she was wrong and they are not a good fit. Then most likely they will break up and girl will search for the next serious partner.

Few disadvantages when dating Belarus women

  1. The most frequent problem that may appear is a language barrier. While chatting online woman will probably use Google translator or other features for translation that’s why you cannot get a real picture through online chatting. The best possible recommendation for such a case is to communicate via video connection and check your reaction to probably low level of English.

    When such barrier really bothers you then, you’d better stop this communication and don’t waste your time. However, if you really like the lady and are ready to live with some minor drawback then just give her time and she will learn a language. What can be better than practice with your beloved one?
  2. Exaggerated expectations. When anybody is chatting online, she/he sees a quality photos and expect to meet a good-looking person on a real date. However, it doesn’t always work as it is expected to be. Maybe you will come for a meeting and your lady will be not as perfect as you imagined her in your dreams. Maybe it is even not her fault, but your unapproved dreams about ideal person. The worst thing is that you can waste lots of money for your flight and hotel and don’t meet such an ideal lady from your imagination. In this situation, the only advice is not to plan anything and appreciate any acquaintance as something meaningful and decisive for your life.
  3. Troubles with distance relations. Most of women in Belarus think if they have found an ideal partner had a couple of romantic dates then the next step will probably be a period of romantic relations and travelling. However, it doesn’t work in this way. Distance can become a huge trouble for lots of couples and nothing can be done for the improvement of this situation.


Belarus wives can be really unpredictable in relations and you will never know what to expect from your partner even if you read all the books about their culture and traditions. Of course, the major part of the mentioned information in the article will be helpful for anybody who wants to date Belarus girls. Nevertheless, it won’t solve all of the troubles that can appear on your way to happy marriage. And there is why. First of all, all the women are so different. Yes, they have something in common when talking about appearance and some family values, but what about some other things. There doesn’t exist a list of rules that can help in any unpredictable situation.

The best recommendations for finding your ideal partner is to choose a reliable Belarus dating agency. It will take away half of the possible troubles and you will have professional experts that can assist in any difficult situation that you may face.

Good luck you guys and find your ideal partner as quick as possible. With all these dating websites, it is no longer a problem.

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