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VictoriaHearts Review – what to expect from the dating service

Victoria Hearts started its activity in 2013 in the USA. The California-based company quickly acquired its users who were mainly from the same country. As for foreigners who became the members of the company, mainly Europeans, Canadians and Australians prevailed among them. Now the number of members exceeds 13 million users. The biggest age group are people from 25 to 34 years old. As for regular visitors, there are about 7 million of them in the USA alone. The second place is taken by men from the UK and Canada with over 1.4 million users from each country. Then follows the Netherlands and Germany with about 600 thousand and 560 thousand members correspondingly. As for the ladies, most girls are from Ukraine. However, there are also many female members from Russia, Romania, Belarus and other countries of Europe.

The company behind the dating website is Cellar Door Limited which was registered in the UK. This is the information for all those who keep on asking: Is VictoriaHearts legal? Yes, it is and it is operated within the rules established by the government.

Review and Our Thoughts

The main purpose of the VictoriaHearts dating site is to help to find the second half for people all over the globe. The cultural differences are not regarded as some handicap for those who wish to create a good family. And people seem to agree with it as millions of users use the service with pleasure. The database includes so many gorgeous young and middle-aged ladies so it’s not that difficult to find the girl to your taste. The girls from Eastern Europe are especially popular among men. It’s enough to have a glimpse of the site to understand that it’s just impossible to pass by when such beauties are ready to meet you!

There are a lot of Ukrainians among them and many men admit that these are the most beautiful ladies on the planet. However, those who are interested in women of other nationalities can easily find them on this international resource with the extensive gallery of ladies.

The functionality of the website helps to achieve the most when the person wants to find a soulmate. A number of features were specially devised to make this romantic virtual communication unforgettable and to learn the other party well, at least, the way it’s possible to do via online communication. The main goal of the person is to find a compatible match, and the service does everything to help you to attain it.

VictoriaHearts sign up process

All business owners know that the signup process shouldn’t be tiresome, as it can discourage your potential customers and they can go away to less demanding services. It seems that the team supporting this dating service understands it very well, so they decided not to create the obstacles on the way of those who want to meet the partner. Provide your email as you register on the site, give consent to their policies (in case you really agree) and you are almost on board!

The company asks to pass the registration process that takes a couple of minutes. This, certainly, attracts the users. At the same time, we should remember that the dating service should claim a more serious attitude of users as this is not just entertainment and involves a very sensitive sphere. Let us look at how this company copes with the task. The company decided to conduct the personality test right after the signup procedure. Now we will see what it’s like.

So, all is left for you to complete the registration to the end is to answer the questions about your dream soulmate. Almost all people without a soulmate have a certain image of the person they would be happy to meet, so the team of the service asks you to share this vision. Let it not frighten you if you haven’t thought about it before. Every person has certain likes and dislikes. A man can either accept the smokers or just can’t imagine his wife with a cigarette in hand. There are 9 questions on this stage regarding the age of the lady you would like to meet, her hair color, height, and weight. It’s also worth mentioning that there are a lot of divorced singles on the website who have children already. So, it’s important to determine if this is acceptable for you or not. After this stage, the next one follows that includes the questions about your physical parameters. The other party also fills out the questionnaire with her demands, so the task of the professional expert is to find a suitable lady thinking that you a good match for her. Even in this case, the prospects are slim. However, it multiplies the chances of success. Isn’t it better to select among the women whose bad habits won’t irritate you? Therefore, it’s essential to answer these questions. There are 13 of them.

And the final stage is practice, so to say. It will vividly show what kind of lady you prefer. Trying to understand your tastes, the system offers to select four from nine profiles of real ladies. The man gets access to profile and all data included to it such as age, country, name of the girl. The profile comes with a description of the lady’s character. Though it’s not detailed, along with a photo of the lady, the man gets a basic portrayal of her personality and either selects this candidate or not. This is performed for fine-tuning of the man’s preferences. Almost certainly you’ll have several Ukrainian girlsin the selection. It happens in this way because the company that stands behind the project cooperates with multiple dating agencies in that country. This is a great solution because girls are fantastic there. They are clever, slim, and intelligent. Besides, they are family-oriented and want to establish a good family when they apply to services like this.

Making contact

If you completed the registration with VictoriaHearts, sign in to try the service. If you look at the gallery of ladies, you will see that most of them are stunning. After logging in the person can assess the features provided by the service. If you see that lady you like, you can send her wink informing about this. It’s also allowed to add the profiles to the list of favorites. These actions are not charged on the site. The simple functionality is available for everybody and this is a benefit of the service. It lets the person determine if this is what he needs before paying for the service.

In case the person can’t find the girl he likes among the matches offered to him, it’s always possible to start exploring outside this list. You can have a look at ‘My Statistics’ feature that can be found on the right panel of the web page. There the person gets access to very interesting information. It’s possible to see the ladies who explored your profile and who added you to the list of favorites. Apart from it, other data can be found in that section: messages, favorites, emails, meeting requests, contact requests.

What is needed to send a message or love letter to a girl? This is a paid service and man will have to buy credits to start corresponding with a woman. If the parties involved in the correspondence are not able to understand each other due to the language barrier they can use the services of a translator.

Profile quality

The data of profiles are available for all users, even those who haven’t acquired credits. All standards methods have access to the information contained in the profiles and photos of members. Each person gets a profile ID.

As for the functionality of the profile, it’s rather convenient. It’s possible to block the person you don’t like. In case a member of the system offended you, you can report to the team about it. One will have to describe the situation and explain what caused him or her to report the user. Users of the resource highly appreciated such buttons as Like, To Favorites, Send a Wink, and use them frequently with pleasure.

The person may not worry about the security of the site where he leaves the personal data. The leakage of information is excluded thanks to the use of advanced security protection. 128bit SSL encryption is used by highly reputed financial companies of the world as it is considered one of the safest methods to protect the website from hackers’ attack. It can effectively secure your VictoriaHearts login. However, you should also be careful. Use malware and antiviral protection on your computer. Devise a complicated password to safeguard your account.


It remains a secret why many dating websites don’t develop applications for mobile users. When it’s well-designed, the app can perform actions with incredible speed, much faster than the website even if it’s optimized for smartphones and tablets. The difference is that the apps provide storage for data on handheld devices and this is much closer to the user than some web server where data is located otherwise. It isn’t hard to guess which storage delivers data faster to you. Undoubtedly, the data retrieval from the app! Therefore, the website owners should provide at least iOS-based and Android-based mobile apps for impeccable customers’ experience. It seems that not all companies understand it clearly and resist advanced changes. Victoria Hearts doesn’t offer a mobile app and there is no information if the company is planning to work over VictoriaHearts mobile application in the future. There is an excuse though. Whether the site was specially optimized for a mobile browser or not, the mobile version of the site is not bad and works well enough – just like a desktop version. Besides, it’s possible to open the mobile version of the site on any gadget regardless of its operating system as you do it in a mobile browser. The functionality doesn’t differ and everything is practically the same with the exception of the fact that all is done on a small screen.

The design is the same, but the layout is different a bit that is natural as it is impossible to locate all panels and boxes on a small screen. The drop-down menu comes to rescue delivering all functions of the buttons to you, even your statistics.

Actually, the functionality doesn’t suffer at all, probably, your convenience only. Everything is fine as long as it suits you.

Is Victoria Hearts scam or fake? Is VictoriaHearts real?

This is, actually, the most important question for first time visitors. They come to the service with a hope to find the soulmate but what the use of functionality, convenience, and ease of use if the candidates are scammers? It should be question number one for all and the customer services highly appreciate such a thorough approach in users. They are ready to answer any questions they might have to remove all doubts and feel safe communicating with real ladies on the platform. We emphasized the word ‘real’ intentionally. The team of the dating service assures that there are no fake users on the site. There is a scheme they follow to validate the profile. When it’s done, the person gets an ID and can start dating.

One of the real VictoriaHearts reviews

“I was really happy to meet my special girl on VictoriaHearts. I was afraid to be rejected as she is very beautiful and looks like a film star. But not only her beauty shines, she is kind and understanding, as well. When we met last year, I couldn’t believe she can’t find a partner in Ukraine. Men must be blind there! Though she is divorced, with a child, it can’t be an obstacle. Now we are planning a wedding with Irina. Hopefully, she will come to me by the end of the year and we will arrange it then. I would be happy to celebrate Xmas with my new family.”
Michael, Cartersville, USA.

Design and usability

Though the interface isn’t flawless, it’s clear and understandable for visitors. It seems that everything is in its right place therefore it’s rather efficient. The interface is user-friendly and navigation can’t be easier.


The problem of VictoriaHearts pricing is disputable. It depends upon the perception, determination of the person, and other things that affect the attitude of men. Most men complain of exorbitant fees and excessive charges for actions. Others, on the contrary, consider it reasonable as men pay for the services they used only, not for membership. As you see, this is a matter of individual preference. Let us look at the prices to consider if such a pricing policy is suitable for you.

If a man wants to comment on a photo of a girl, it will cost 2 credits for a comment. The man has to pay for a live chat, which is 2 credits per minute. Also, chat stickers, chat photos, and chat videos are additionally charged – 5, 10 and 50 credits for sending them correspondingly.

The photos attached to the mail are free. However, sending mails cost 10 credits for the first email letter and 30 credits for each consequent mail. The number of symbols in the letter is limited. When a man receives a letter, he can open it for 10 credits. Also, the user is charged when he opens a photo (10 credits) and video attached to the mail (50 credits). When members watch the profile videos, the cost is 2 times lower. It’s enough just to click on it to activate it so be careful browsing across the site.

The members of the service who want to upload their own video should pay 100 credits for this opportunity. The same fee is taken for delivery of real gifts – a special catalog with gifts that can be sent is provided on a special web page of a resource. At this, you should understand that 100 credits is only the price for the delivery, you should also pay for the gift itself.

And the most expensive service in the price list is a request for a meeting. The man needs to pay 625 credits for it.

There is a reward, so to say, after a member spends 3000 credits on the communication with a girl. In this case, he can get personal contact details of an online dater free of charge.

Some men regret that they spent money on the site as nothing came of their efforts. As a result, they start blaming the company, the girls that respond not the way they wanted, and call the website fake. We can find many men online with the same question: is VictoriaHearts a scam dating site?

You should understand the following thing. Customers tend to blame the service if they don’t succeed. If they weren’t successful, it doesn’t mean that the site is a scam. There are some negative reviews saying about the fake girls without any facts provided. Many men try to experiment with checking the girl and create the situation when they write letters to her pretending to be a different man. When the girl uses the same phrases describing herself, they say that she is not real and she is just trying to take away money and gifts from men. Where is logic? English is not her native language, she, probably, find it hard to express her thought in English and surely uses the same phrases that she knows. At the same time, the behavior of such people is far from being ethical.

But this is, certainly, a big flaw that the customer service doesn’t explain the nuances to the men and they feel that they were deceived. This is their mistake and something must be done in this direction.

Special features

Isn’t it great to get a new selection of girls every day? There is one fantastic feature that was added to the tools to add diversity to your search process. The list of matches is new every day, so there is always something new that expects you on the site and this makes the members of the service become its regular visitors. Who doesn’t want to see a new gallery of incredibly beautiful girls on your list? Many of them look like runway models and you can’t believe your happiness that you can contact her and, probably, even get an answer from her and start dating online! This is surely a nice twist from the company that helps it to retain its clients.

If the standard search doesn’t satisfy a man, he can use the extended search, where it’s possible to change the preferences concerning such aspects as a place of living, religion, or the age group, for instance.

Many men also like to participate in such entertainment arranged on the site as a beauty contest. Though the appearance is not the main thing for the person who looks for the soulmate, it still plays a big role, especially for a man who wants to enjoy the beauty of the lady beside him. However, the contest doesn’t have to do anything with your search. This is just a special feature that makes your time on the site amusing. There were 24 winners in the last beauty contest.

The person should purchase the credits to start dating seriously online. However, the site provides the welcome package for its members as well or gives credits for free during the special offers. Such credits enter the section of complimentary credits that are placed beside the block of additionally purchased credits so that you could see how many credits you have at your disposal. It’s possible to replenish the balance of credits at any time.

The section My statistics is very convenient as it helps to see everything you do on the website at once. It’s effortless to monitor all your activity from there.

Comparison with other dating services

For some reason, the membership figures remain stable throughout the year and not that high in comparison with the growth demonstrated by other services. For instance, there was a big activity increment in such services as Adultfriendfinder and slight changes of figures in eHarmony, but VictoriaHearts doesn’t show any changes in this respect. At the same time, the periods of higher activity in other services then are followed by sudden falls. At these periods, the number of visitors is approximately the same as at the service reviewed by us now (or just a little bit higher).

In comparison with other websites, the matches are updated almost daily, which is a big advantage for active users. It doesn’t let them be bored as they always have a good selection of girls at their disposal.


Q: What should I do to find a soulmate via your site? How can I start searching?

A: The team of developers has created a special search system that will help you not to get lost in the ocean of offers. There are thousands of beauties on the site, so it’s only natural that men don’t know where to go and whom to write. In this case, you should resort to a general search and specify the terms you consider important to narrow down the search. It’s also possible to use the extended search when the person wants to specify some special conditions such as occupation, city, or education, for instance. The system will filter the results for you. Those who look for some special person and know the ID of the member can easily find the one via the search. Just enter the ID for it.

Q: Is it possible to make bookmarks on the website?

A: If you saw some person on the website that you like but not ready to write a letter to the one yet, it’s easy to use the functionality provided on the service not to lose that person. Add the member to ‘Favorites’ to have the alternative at hand and not to look for it from the beginning next time. There is also an option to send a wink, or a like to display your interest.

Q: Is it obligatory to pass the verification procedure?

A: The person can be asked to pass the ID verification procedure that is arranged for security purposes and easier moderation. The verification is conducted within the applicable regulations. If you gave consent to terms and conditions, you should act in accordance with the agreement confirmed by you.

Q: What should I do to pass the ID verification?

A: There is an icon of ID confirmation on the top-right corner. Click on it and it will tell you what to do to verify your personality.

Q: What should I do if my verification request was denied?

A: Usually, it is not denied without explanation. If you haven’t succeeded the first time, you can correct the mistakes and repeat the procedure. The list of mistakes may include such things as bad quality of uploaded documents, or lack of sign on your ID confirmation form. Just complete the requested steps repeatedly to finish it.

Q: Why did the girl stop answering after a long correspondence?

A: There can be different situations in life and girl can reconsider some aspects and change her decision. Probably, she decided to narrow down the circle of online daters or met a more suitable candidate on the site. It’s a pity she didn’t explain the reason to you. However, the team doesn’t have the right to interfere. This is a type of problem that is solved between the parties without the interference of the customer service.


If you have any additional questions on the work of this resource, don’t worry. We will always find time to explain unclear points for you. Just let us know what exactly you need to know.

Did you use the service of VictoriaHearts? Was it successful or not? We would be glad to find out about it. Tell us if you succeeded and what you think about this resource.

Editor’s conclusion

The website with a Tinder-like interface is very popular among men. Though the site tries to combat scams and protect members from fraudsters as it assures on its homepage, many men still are not sure in the quality of services. The customer service offers round-the-clock support but it seems it’s not able to provide the confidence to customers. If it’s so, this is their flaw. It means they don’t work properly enough. There are no complaints about the functionality or other technical things. Only this psychological aspect doesn’t let the company increase the customer base. A gallery of beautiful ladies that should attract men, eventually, scares them off. Many men say that it’s too good to be true. They see the girls with the model look and it seems to them that such girls don’t exist in real life. Those who assure this must have never met the runway models in real life. Without makeup and gorgeous gowns, they also look like simple girls.

The photos you see on the site were just made by a professional photographer. If you doubt that the girl is real, the site offers the advanced means of communication. You can chat with her online using these methods thus checking the authenticity of the personality.

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