The most important facts and myths about dating Ukrainian women!

Amelia Bright,
CEO of Love Is For EveryoneLLC (LIFE LLC.).
“I’ve consulted lots of couple who met each other online and have also a huge experience with helping those who married Ukrainian ladies. Usually such couples haven’t got huge problems that lead to divorce. Mainly it is something connected with misunderstanding and lack of communication within a couple. When characterizing these ladies in one sentence, I would say that they are so family-oriented and would do anything for the comfort of the kids and husband…”
Ukraine is rather big country with huge population. That’s why; the possibility of finding woman from Ukraine online is way higher than a girl from a smaller country. The population is as big as 45 million and that is impressive. Dating industry is increasing in the number of launched websites and that’s why so many young Ukrainian girls want to try luck online. Hopefully those who seriously treat this resource have all chances of finding the love online. And you can be in this huge percentage of people who have found serious partners on the dating resource. So, if you are really interested in relationship with Ukraine women, you should definitely review this helpful article. Here, you will get all the needed information about dating Ukraine brides, their character traits, attitude towards family, something about resources when you can find such beauties, and much more.
How to pick the best site for finding beautiful Ukrainian women?
Sure, this question is rather frequently asked, but there is a small percentage of people who still prefer standard methods of acquaintance. If you are in this minority, the best recommendation for you will be to orient into large Ukrainian cities such as Odessa, Lviv, and of course Kiev. Visit to these regions will give you higher chances to find your ideal candidate.
However, the easiest and the quickest variant to meet Ukrainian girls is definitely dating websites or Ukraine brides agencies. Finding your bride online is the best possible way that will save your money, time, and energy. You won’t approach women in the streets without even knowing their names. During real meeting with online user, you will probably know lots about this person including family planning, hobbies, and lots of more because of online communication.
Signing up on any Ukraine brides’ agency is free, in most of cases. The only trouble that any member can face is a difficulty with choosing reliable platform. The number of dating sites in growing with every day and if you just type “Ukraine wives online” you will get lots of results and you will waste lots of time on scrolling pages and pages of resources with no clue what to check there.
The problem is mainly, because there exists platforms that have lots of faked members and that lead to serious consequences later on. Just imagine the worst scenario – you are chatting with pretty lady for long period of time, when suddenly she asks for a financial help because of serious life situation. What will be your reaction? Sure, you will answer, I won’t react. However, scammers know how to achieve their goal and when you will be the most vulnerable. The frauds are rather standard and unexpected and here is mentioned only one example of such a risky case.
To guard yourself from such troubles and still find your love, just spend some time and check several reviews about the chosen website and read some of the comments about it. Users are really sincere about their experience, especially if it is not the best one.
Let’s mention the main characteristics of safe sites with Ukraine women for marriage. First of all, a reliable site should have qualified support team. Also, don’t pick free websites. Sounds strange? However, it is a good recommendation. Only paid resources check their users prior even sign up. And of course, if there is a chance, try to check the number of registered user, the more of them are the better, but in combination with the previous two characteristics.
Something about Ukrainian women
If you have never met Ukrainian girl, but still admire these beauties, then you have a chance to learn more about them. In this paragraph, you will find out about the most important characteristics of Ukraine brides.
The first thing to mention about is their beauty. It is a real fact and nobody can argue with this. Just check a couple of their photos and you will immediately fall in love with their attractiveness. Ukrainian brides have ideal proportions, they are fit and also these girls bother about the outfits and make-up. Whenever, Ukraine girl goes she will make a perfect hairstyle and her make-up will be ideal. Some ladies are so attentive to their looks that even at home they can wear something special.
The next fact about women of Ukraine is their strong family values. From the very young age girls are taught that family is the major priority and what is more they see the examples of good family relations. It is something that is deep in the culture and everyone in the country has such serious attitude towards this topic. Because of such a huge orientation towards family, girls usually ask their parents’ point of view when they date someone. A guy should definitely get acquainted with family members and after a small family dinner, father will most likely express his point of view about this guy. Of course, it will be done in private communication with the daughter. The influence of the family is so high that if dad mentions that this guy is not for her because of some even stupid reasons; then Ukraine woman will probably break up with this “wrong” candidate. As, you see the main aim of a future husband is to make a good impression on the family members, otherwise there are no huge changes to stay in this relation. Don’t afraid because, the percentage of such families is decreasing now and there is a possibility to meet bride from Ukraine that doesn’t bother about the reaction of her relatives.
One more characteristic of beautiful Ukrainian women is their femininity. It is such a difficult characteristic that need to be seen rather than discussed in a review. This femininity is noticeable almost in everything that a lady does in her manners, way of communication, gestures, and in the elegancy of the outfits. The last thing is more noticeable than anything. Ukrainian brides prefer dresses and skirts more than anything else. The percentage of women who really care about their looks is so huge and it is more noticeable if a girl is single. In this case, she will try to draw attention with the help of perfect make-up and manicure. Moreover, brides of Ukraine also try to keep fit and gym training is a usual thing for the most of women. One might say that this attitude towards inner characteristics is not the best thing, because women waste lots of time and efforts to look good, but it is as it is and nobody can change this situation right now.
Relationship with Ukraine mail order brides is sometimes slow and gradually developing. First date will not lead to intimacy and even after the third date you shouldn’t wait for it as well. There should be some evident stages of real relations and meaningfulness; otherwise lady will just switch to some other relations. It occurs because of this so called “family values”, they accept every partner as a future husband and if there some frivolity or lack of mutual understanding, there is no chance to safe such flirty relations. Maybe this conservatism is not the best characteristic, but it exists and you should be prepared to it.
Women from Ukraine are caring mothers. It is one more thing that is mainly connected with the cultural peculiarities and girls from extremely young age see that mainly mothers are responsible for kids even if they are really busy at work. Fathers rarely interfere with children and their upbringing, so only women really care and are responsible for children in the family. So, if you marry pretty Ukrainian lady, you will probably notice that your wife tries not to bother you with kids’ troubles and solve everything herself. If you want to be a part of this upbringing process, you should better tell your wife about this. Silence in relations will lead to nowhere. Except of this visual understanding of being a good mother, lady usually have rather practical skills, because they are usually responsible for siblings and help mothers at a really young age with almost everything.
How to date Ukraine mail order brides successfully?
Of course, you will not find a list of helpful instructions that work 100 percent for any girl, even if you will carefully study this topic. That is because; females are so unpredictable and unique creatures that you never know what to expect from them. One recommendation that worked for one girl means that other woman will probably get angry of such an attitude. So, prior reading this paragraph, you should understand one important thing, treat any women as a personality and you will see the results of your attitude. And sure, there are some recommendations that most likely will help you if you plan to date Ukrainian woman. Here are some of them.
The first advice that will work for any girl is to be sincere. If you are interested in these relations, then try to share everything that is crucial for you from the very beginning. Don’t hide your attitude towards family and children, tell about your job, and of course share your problems. Your sincerity will be noticeable and appreciated by your lady. However, you’d better tell her everything only if you really like this person and feel some connection. Otherwise, it will look like a standard manner of communication with anybody and there won’t be such a unique atmosphere of specialty during your date. When Ukraine girl is interested in a guy, she will most likely ask him about anything she wants to know. This shows that she liked you.
Ukrainian women are really smart, they all have bachelor’s degree at least and are constantly learning and improving their professionalism after graduation. That’s why, they search for the same characteristic in their future partner. They want to have relations with a smart guy who knows what he is looking for. The best thing is that you can discuss the recent IT news or something about economics and you won’t ruin this romantic atmosphere at all. These talks will only add some specialty to your relations. The intellectual connection with Ukrainian women will definitely lead your relations to the highest possible level and you will understand each other better. It is for sure. Except of being smart, you should better look smart as well. Tidy clothes and groomed face will add some points to you as a future boyfriend.
This topic was discussed in the previous paragraph that Ukrainian women for marriage are feminine. That’s why, they expect that a future partner is a real gentleman. Maybe, it sounds really old-fashioned and ladies from other countries think mainly about equality in relations, but not about males’ dominant position in relations. There are small things that will show your masculinity and in such a way you will definitely impress Ukraine woman. Just bring a beautiful bunch of flowers for your first date or a small romantic gift and you will immediately show your appreciation to the lady. Also, don’t forget to be attentive to your girl. This means you should better open doors in front of your girlfriend, carry something heavy, or just ask for any other assistance. She doesn’t need to ask for this, you should show your feeling in such a usual way for Ukrainian culture.
One more good advice for everyone who plans to build serious relations with Ukrainian women is control everything. Hot Ukrainian women prefer when a husband controls everything except of some minor troubles that are related to usual everyday things. A person who can take a responsibility, control any problematic situation is an ideal. Then such a guy will be responsible father and caring husband. Girls try to find these signs of decisiveness right at the first meeting. So, show your leadership skills and don’t be afraid of controlling the whole situation. Even when a lady pretends that she is a leader in relations, she will still want to see a strong partner nearby. These leadership skills may be shown via your independency as well.
Some myths about marrying a Ukrainian woman
The first rather popular story is that Ukraine wives dream only about successful marriage and kids. They don’t have any other life priorities and as soon as they found a life partner and have wedding ceremony, other things become unimportant. They fully involve in the process of kids’ upbringing and have no career plans and usual desire to develop and learn something. Yes, sure there are some women that totally sacrifice their life for the comfort of the family, but such kind of ladies exists anywhere in the whole world. Ukraine is rather big country when comparing it with lots of European once. Maybe somewhere in small villages or town, there are girls who have only one aim to get married. Nevertheless, what about Kiev, do you really think that in the megalopolis are such people that sit in their flats and dream only about the relations and family. It is a total nonsense, when you are surrounded by people with successful career, University degrees, and completed art projects; it is hard to imagine that women can have such old-fashioned understanding of real priorities.
So, set your own priorities, before chatting with Ukraine singles. If you want relations with calm caring wife that thinks only about your comfort then search for the women from smaller town. However, if you see only successful lady with you that have a long list of life goals and plans where family is the last point then choose bigger cities. Majorly, it is better to mention that it is a total myth that is rare to Ukraine.
The next rather popular idea is that Ukraine mail order brides are shy and undemanding. Have you even dated shy and undemanding woman? If yes, you are really a lucky guy. Such type of women is rare for any country. Of course, at the couple of first dates you may think that your woman have these character traits, but usually it occurs because of uncomfortable feeling that you are talking with a total stranger. It is hard to imagine that a woman will hug and kiss a person whom she sees for the first time in her life. When this discomfort disappears and you are at the stage of real relations, hardly any woman will seem shy for you.
Myth number 3 is Ukraine girls don’t even try to have successful career. For rather long period of time, Ukrainian brides were just in those circumstances when everybody judges a mother who spends lots of her time in an office. There was popular misunderstanding that when a woman is busy at work then children are alone and nobody bothers about their upbringing. Such a strong pressure from relatives and friends lead to situation that women only searched for part-time jobs or after a long working day spent all their free time with kids and had no time for themselves even at the weekends. The situation has greatly changed nowadays. Ukraine wives are more independent, they think that any duty should be shared with the husband and he can also take care of kids and cook. The situation when a man is on a parental leave is still a shock for the major part of society, but it exists. Ukraine is young and developing country that rapidly changes attitude towards outdated conceptions and strange judgmental ideas.
The next myth relates to foreign dating. There is such a popular point of view that Ukrainian brides want to find a husband from another country because of the financial stability and nothing more. It is not true! To begin with, there are lots of rich guys in Ukraine, just review Forbes tops and you will definitely find a Ukrainian there. Why then such a huge variety of dating websites exist? The motivation of Ukrainian women may be different and it is really hard to specify all the variants in here. Usually, they prefer guys from Europe more than from Ukraine because of their character traits. Girls want to be more European, and Ukrainian men don’t give them such a possibility because of their masculinity and egocentricity that is supported by cultural traditions.
Still are some guys that think a lady should be at home and cook dinner for him. Also, there are some girls that are just tired of economical instability in the country and marriage is a way out for them to live in another area where they will work, but it will be fairly paid and they will feel more secure.
These were the major myths and there are lots of others that are usually untrue. Just be a little bit more skeptical when you read about women of Ukraine. They are lots of things that should be questioned and you’d better don’t care about this common stereotypes which rarely are proven.
Few recommendations to foreigners
After online communication with Ukrainian women, you’ve probably chosen one candidate and plan your real meeting. Maybe there are some ideas how to make this date ideal, however the first recommendation will be to calm down. Don’t bother at all and don’t set huge expectations that it will be ideal girl. The more expectations you will have the worse for you, because if you meet not an ideal woman, you will probably be really disappointed.
A good first advice will be to make a first impression. You know your drawbacks better than anybody, so if you have a terrible hairstyle, it is better to think about this before the date. It is almost impossible to change something after a date; you may stay in the lady’s mind as an awkward guy with no life priorities. Spend some time and decide what you will be wearing. Psychologists proved that 90 percent of general impression of a person depends on the clothes, hairstyle, and manner of communication. If you will be in smart clothes it will be a half of you success. Your timbre and confidence will impress more than what you are really talking about.
One more popular misunderstanding is that you can travel to Ukraine for intimacy. Don’t believe in this, Ukrainian girls are of string family values and you shouldn’t expect to have sex after the first date. Woman should feel your seriousness and only then you will have a chance for intimacy.
The most important thing to remember is to pay for the bill in the café. In Ukraine there is a tradition that man pays for most kind of entertainment during the dating period. So, if you’ve decided to divide the bill at the first date, it can be really offensive for a girl. She would think that you don’t like something and there wouldn’t be the next meeting. Maybe, it sounds strange, but such a tradition exists and you should know about it. Even when a woman takes out her purse to pay, she is expecting that a guy will stop her.
Show that you are interested in the culture and traditions of her country. Ask something and any girl will gladly support a conversation and feel proud that you are interested in her ethnicity. You may learn few phrases and impress the girl at your first meeting. Ukrainian culture is a peculiar thing that can surprise you and shock at the same time. However, if you notice that this topic is really boring for you, stop this communication and switch to something else. Insincerity is the worst possible thing that won’t lead to anything meaningful in your relations.
During the first meeting girl may feel uncomfortable and be really quiet. Please, don’t insist on anything and don’t accept it as an offense. Usually it occurs because of the language barrier and only with time this problem will totally disappear. Maybe even at the end of your meeting, she will become more relaxed and talkative. It depends on lots of factors including temperament, atmosphere, surrounding, and lots of more.
Flowers can solve any trouble at least minor once. Ukrainian women like small bunches of flowers, it is like a sign or appreciation and love. Just bring this small gift and the woman will forget about any misunderstanding that was between you.
Final thoughts about Ukrainian women
Lots of have been mentioned about Ukrainian women for marriage and more need to be said. Any person is unique and it doesn’t matter how detailed and informative is this article you can hardly find all the answers in here. The best possible advice for any situation is to follow your heart and try to understand your lady better.
Here is the short list of functional recommendations some of which were mentioned earlier in an article and some haven’t been:
- Bother about your appearance before going to your first date with Ukrainian beauty;
- Humor can solve any trouble or misunderstanding;
- Pay for the bill if you are out somewhere with your girlfriend;
- Be sincere with Ukrainian girls;
- Try to be attentive and give your girlfriend flowers regularly;
- Care about her culture;
- Make a good first impression both on her and her family members;
- Make compliments.
It is not longer a problem to find your beloved Ukrainian woman online. There are so many various resources where you can contact lots of ladies at the same time. The quality of these dating sites is usually really high with only professional photos and detailed description in the profiles. The quality of these sites are so high, because girls are usually checked prior registration and if they are not single or don’t want to mention any real information in the profile, then probably she will be refused with sign up on a serious and reliable recourse. Also, experts help a lot during the whole process of online acquaintance starting from chatting and ending with a real meeting. Sites offer trip organization for all the members and even psychological assistance on any stage of your online relations. Sometimes few sentences from an expert can make your life with Ukrainian bride much easier.
If you still not sure, to start this journey with Ukrainian women or not, you have a good chance to register on any resource for free and just to try. Nothing wrong will happen via your online communication. Moreover, you can be sincere with your virtual friends and immediately mention that you are not searching for serious relations right now. Girls will definitely accept and appreciate this.
To cut a long story short, your relations depend only on you. If you are really serious and know what person you are searching for, probably your journey will be shorter than in most of others. Wish you luck with choosing your ideal Ukraine bride!