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HowAboutWe scam is doesn’t presented as a class at this modern dating site

HowAboutWe com dating website makes it real to find a partner for different kinds of joint activities. The website contains almost zero of scam and it is reliable to use via mobile devices

HowAboutWe dating site for those who dislikes traditional online dating methods

HowAboutWe.com is an online dating solution for those who are interested in expanding the circle of communication and interaction. This site is a continuation of the HowAboutWe Media network, which is dedicated to dating. The developers declare the project as an innovative and completely modern solution for people who are looking for love in the world today. This means that they tried to remove all the anachronisms of old dating sites, and one of our tasks will further be to understand whether this is so. They combined the opportunity to find people for a date and interesting ideas for hanging out, which are designed to connect couples according to their initial interests and, possibly, create something stronger and more reliable in future relationships. Is it worth the attention and waste of time? We are here to help you understand the correct answer.

Common info about the project

Let's look at the features of this site initially. As practice shows, this dating site is aimed at young people. Indeed, most user profiles cover a range of about 25-35 years (at the same time, the audience of women is quite a bit more than men). A sufficiently large category of people within the age of 18-25 is also present. This means that the site does not focus on building serious relationships as a serious and only right goal, but it gives all people the opportunity to freely seek a new circle of friends and, possibly, a lot of love. And this project is completely LGBT friendly. Statistics show that users actively communicate on the site during business hours, and the popularity of the site in the United States is the highest. Here it was founded (in New York). High activity is also noted in India. The audience of the site is slowly and steadily increasing. Now we can talk in more detail about the user experience in this HowAboutWe review.

How to start

The registration procedure is simple and intuitive. All actions can be completed in a few minutes to start the dating procedure immediately. The new user needs to specify a username, password, email address. Further, the site will ask you to provide some personal information to organize the data and improve the quality of the search. We recommend post the questions about education, profession, political and religious views, as well as habits and interests, as this will help establish a mutual search. The profile will become active after the user adds a photo. On other dating sites, this is desirable, but not necessary, and here a photograph is a prerequisite for the possibility of using the site. In addition, it improves the quality of the search, as on any other dating site.

Everything, the user is pre-prepared for the searches after HowAboutWe login. What to do next? At this step, we move on to the most interesting. The concept of the site is that people find opportunities for meetings through personal interests and ideas. Therefore, it is further proposed to create bizarre questions for the profile, which are designed to engage other people in communication without formalities. It's something like, "Which movie do you like to watch most often?" or "How do you see your perfect Sunday?" That is, these are anchors that allow you to form a spark of preliminary interest. The user can create their own questions, or choose available on the site. Answers will take literally 15 minutes or less, and a person is already fully equipped for communication and acquaintances in this interesting and original place.

Looking for couple or company: user functions’ brief review & prices

Now we will consider how the acquaintance begins. HowAboutWe dating site focuses on allowing people to use the site for free. However, there is a paid account here, and it includes a number of important functions for the office. For example, a paid account provides the user with the possibility of unlimited communication with other users, including sending and receiving messages, as well as answers to "Intrigues" (those are the most interesting questions that the user will post in the profile). The mailbox is in principle unavailable without subscription, and this is a key obstacle to the full use of the site. You can view profiles of people without any restrictions, and this is a part of HowAboutWe free functionality.

What does a paid subscription provide you? It makes it possible to view messages from other users (including a copy of the message can be sent to an e-mail address for convenience), or write and send outgoing messages. The user will be able to see when the messages were printed / read (or not). It is interesting to note that the site gives a 100% guarantee that for a minimum period of use partners for offline visits will be found. If this did not happen during the attempts, the user can contact the administration and request a refund for the subscription. These are not empty words, and the site really returns money to dissatisfied users.

As you might have guessed, there is no outdated system of loans and payments for each action. HowAboutWe offers a paid monthly subscription. The minimum package of services is 1 month of using the site at a price of 21.99 dollars. If you buy a large package, the HowAboutWe cost of one month is reduced (3 months - $ 12.99 for 1 month, 6 months - $ 9.99 for 1 month, 12 months - $ 7.99 for 1 month). As we can see, the cost of a paid account is low compared to most dating sites that use a similar system.

However, let's talk about the good. Acquaintance problems are rare. Usually, finding a HowAboutWe couple for offline meetings is easy and fun. The user can see in the profile a list of dates with time. You can see what other users of the site are currently doing.

An advanced HowAboutWe search by parameters and recommendations is also available. That is, an analogue of the function of traditional sites. It allows you to find matches by given keywords or main categories (eat, drink, listen / watch, play, research), dates of events, ideas of dates and so on. All interesting HowAboutWe couples and any search results can be saved in favorites for quick access in the future.

The developers also integrated mini-games to find a partner for a HowAboutWe date. The first game is called Speed Date. Its essence is very simple. To play, just click “Yes!” or "Go" to the profile presented on the site. Continue until the date catches your eye. It is also possible to try the play page to see your daily dates. Click "I'm Intrigued" or "Next" to view a list of users. You can see the date map. The map shows all the dates near you, so you can find something interesting to do here and now immediately.


This site has nothing to do with private dating sites where a lot of scam is stored. It is rather a fascinating social network for dating paid services. The administration monitors the order and even provides a guarantee of visits with a refund. Practice shows that this site can be trusted, and traditional types of scam are impossible here as a class.

Mobile App

Convenient HowAboutWe mobile version for all relevant mobile devices is available, as well as HowAboutWe app.


HowAboutWe.com is an interesting opportunity for dating and spending time together, which pleases with a flexible concept and almost unlimited dating ideas. The site deserves attention at least because of the originality. In addition, a paid subscription here is quite affordable and gives you the opportunity to discover a lot (and a refund strengthens the credibility of the project). There is a minimum of scam, and the experience of communication and dating will be very interesting. It is acceptable in detail, for example, HowAboutWe dating app is perfect. The developers were able to create a more unobtrusive, open and active community of users here, which is qualitatively different from traditional dating sites. Hope you enjoy this HowAboutWe dating review!

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